Registration for EDULEARN's Professional Reviewers

ISSN: 2089-9823; e-ISSN: 2302-9277

We appreciate applications to serve as peer reviewers. If you wish to be a reviewer for the Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), please fill out this form.

Please keep in mind that submitting this form does not ensure that you will be contacted for review. Our Academic Editors choose reviewers on a manuscript-by-manuscript basis. The most relevant scientists will be invited in each situation.

One of the benefits of serving as a reviewer is receiving a recognition certificate.

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Detail of areas:


Career development and training in education and learning: entrepreneurship curriculum, internship programmes, lifelong learning, technology transfer, training educational staff, university-industry cooperation, vocational training, workplace training and employability issues, etc.

Experiences in education and learning: curriculum design and development, educational management, educational trends and best practice contributions, enhancing learning and the undergraduate experience, experiences in game based learning, higher education area: the bologna declaration and acts experiences, learning experiences in higher and further education, learning experiences in preschool education, pre-service and in-service teacher experiences, quality assurance/standards and accreditation, special education, stem in education, transferring skills and disciplines, etc.

Experiences in education and learning research: academic research projects, research methodologies, links between education and research, new projects and innovations, etc.

International projects in education and learning: new experiences for the international cooperation, project outcomes and conclusions, university networks, exchange programmes and erasmus experiences, the internationalization of universities, funding programmes and opportunities, etc.

Pedagogical innovations in education and learning: learning and teaching methodologies, evaluation and assessment of student learning, accreditation for informal learning, new learning/teaching models, neuroscience in education, language learning innovations, collaborative and problem-based learning, personalized learning, tutoring and coaching, flipped learning, etc.

General issues in education and learning: education and globalization, multicultural education, impact of education on development, planning digital-age school and learning spaces, organizational, legal, policy and financial issues, leadership in 21st century education , barriers to learning (age, psychosocial factors, ethnicity…), ethical issues and plagiarism in education, access to internet: advances and problems, diversity issues, women and minorities, student support in education, funding programmes and opportunities, etc.

Computer supported collaborative work: augmented reality, collaborative virtual environments (CVEs), community building, computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools, social & digital media in education, web 2.0 and social networking: (blogs, wikis…), web 3D applications and virtual reality, etc.

E-content management and development: digital identity management, digital libraries and repositories, e-portfolios, intellectual property rights, knowledge management, learning analytics, open access education, security and data protection, user-generated content, etc.

Educational software & serious games: animation and 3D systems, computer software on education, educational multimedia and hypermedia, educational software experiences, educational/serious games, gamification, gaming consoles as learning tools, videos for learning (YouTube generation), etc.

E-Learning: blended learning, distance learning, educating the educators, e-learning for environmental sustainability, e-learning standards (SCORM), e-learning projects and experiences, e-moderating, e-tutoring & mentoring, intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), learning management systems (LMs), managed learning environments (MLEs), massive open online courses (MOOCs), mobile learning, online assessment, online/virtual laboratories, personal learning environments (PLEs), training, evaluation and assessment, virtual learning environments (VLEs), virtual universities, etc.

Emerging technologies in education: advanced classroom technology, best practices in multimedia-based education, BYOD (bring your own device) and 1:1 learning, flipped classroom, ICT for development, ICT skills and digital literacy, mobile and tablet technologies, new platforms to teach coding skills (arduino, raspberry PI,…), technology-enhanced learning, the impact of web technologies on education, web classroom applications, etc.